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The Connector - Microsoft Project to Atlassian JIRA Integration

The Connector 2.2

Build 4142 - Released December 22, 2017

  • BugFix - Custom Field data was not being included on the import when using a Saved Filter or JQL.
  • BugFix - Added support for configuring custom link translations for non-English versions of MS Project.
  • BugFix - Issue with the Data Exchange Rules "Remove from MS Project" option clearing all links and not allowing them to recreate.
  • BugFix - Fixed issue with a "key already present" error when using data exchange rules and having multiple issue links to the same linked issue with a different type.
  • Additional - Added support for "Legacy Mode" in JIRA. If you are running JIRA in legacy mode, errors we being generated when attempting to create/update issues. Support for this has been added to allow only the correct fields to be used.
  • BugFix - Fixes with importing saved profiles not importing some recently added settings.
  • BugFix - Fixes so Epic Name field is only sent to JIRA if the issue type is "Epic". Errors would be generated about attempting to set a field that was not allowed to be changed.
  • BugFix - Fixed issue with max return being set to 100 when using JIRA Cloud. Updates have been made to ensure that it will loop through and return all issues being queried instead of just the first 100. This can also apply to JIRA installed versions if the setting for the max return count was set lower than the resulting list of issues to be returned.

Build 4140 - Released April 10, 2017

  • BugFix - Get a date error when attempting to create a new issue and set the due date.
  • BugFix - Errors when importing worklogs from JIRA that have visibility restrictions set in JIRA.
  • BugFix - You would receive a missing field error on fresh installations 'Column name=worklog_date_filtering_mode' and configuring worklogs. Once you restarted, the issue would go away. The issue has been resolved.
  • BugFix - Fix for sending numeric custom fields to JIRA - was generating "Operation value must be a number" error.
  • BugFix - Fix for the TLS/SSL negotiation. The Connector was failing to connect over some HTTPS connections.
  • Additional - Miscellaneous performance improvements and additional support logging added.

Build 4139 - Released July 31, 2016

  • Separate 32-bit / 64-bit builds - The newest version was having issues installing on MS Project 64-bit so 2 separate installers are now available, one for the 32-bit version of MS Project and one for the 64-bit version. This only applies to the 2010/2013/2016 version as 2003/2007 are only available in 32-bit.
  • BugFix - Fix for when importing workings and having the "Update Remaining Estimate" option enabled. Previous version was ignoring this setting.
  • BugFix - Fix issues with date parsing when using custom date fields over the REST interface with JIRA. More error handling and more robust checks have been added.
  • BugFix - Issue with components and versions not being correctly sent to JIRA using the REST interface when creating new issues from MS Project in JIRA.
  • BugFix - Fix for the "Exclude Parent Duration" option when using the JIRA REST interface. This option was previously being ignored.
  • BugFix - Trying to open the issue editor if your plan was initialized for multiple projects would give you a "The selected project does not exist in JIRA" error message and not allow you to continue.
  • Addition - New functionality has been added allowing filtering of worklogs by date range and/or assignee when bring setting the MS Project work values and work log detail,

Build 4137 - Released January 13, 2016

  • BugFix - Erroneous message box about no fields mapped when performing Send To JIRA, Update From JIRA, Synchronize even though fields are mapped.
  • BugFix - Miscellaneous missed language translation strings have been fixed.
  • BugFix - Fix for the notes field not correctly exchanging with the JIRA description field
  • BugFix - Fix for custom fields not correctly using the Send To JIRA Customize toggles when sending to JIRA

 Build 4135 - Released December 29, 2015

  • Support for JIRA 7 and JIRA OnDemand - Option to use the JIRA REST API for communication with JIRA eliminating the need for the JIRA side server plugin and allowing The Connector to be used with JIRA OnDemand and JIRA 7 and up.
  • Updated User Interface - The product has been updated to a new font and green color scheme to integrate more smoothly with MS Project 2013 and Project 2016.
  • Tested support for Microsoft Project 2013 and Microsoft Project 2016, Windows 8 and Windows 10. The Connector 2.2 will support MS Project 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016.
  • Support for exchanging JIRA labels between Microsoft Project and JIRA - The label field can be mapped like other JIRA fields and will allow for exchanging labels in both directions with JIRA.
  • Import wizard now supports JQL as a import filtering option - The import wizard will allow you to specify a JQL query so you can use the power of JIRA query language to control which issues  are imported from JIRA into MS Project.
  • Ability to manage JIRA versions from within Microsoft Project - There is now a version editor built into The Connector so you can add/edit/delete JIRA versions for your project without needing to leave MS Project.
  • Ability to add a comment to a JIRA issue from within Microsoft Project - Using the issue editor, Comments tab, you can now quickly and easily add a comment to your JIRA issue.
  • Added additional error handling and validation messages to a number of places in the product making it easier to use.
  • Improved language support and options - We are working on adding more languages and translations for non-English users to use a native language.